Relative Logic, Inc.


Agari Attack

App Store

How to Play

Start playing by picking any available level in the main menu. Each level start screen shows you the button layout and point goal for that level. Take a moment to get use to the controls and when you are ready, tap the top area of the screen to begin the game. Shoot enemies as they fly toward you and avoid running into everything that comes your way. Each level gets more difficult. See if you can find our hidden bonus level!

To move the ship up and down: tilt the device forward and back.

To move left and right: use the directional buttons in the lower left area of the screen.

To fire: tap the weapon of choice in the lower right area of the screen.


Game settings

Playing Modes

You have the choice of playing in arcade or high score modes. Level one is the easiest level. If you purchase the expansion pack to unlock the remaining levels, you'll have to shoot your way to the point goal to unlock them one by one. Each level will need to be passed before you can go on to play the next.

Arcade mode: Play each level shooting your way to the point goal. Once the point goal is obtained the level is won and the game takes you to the next level (if you've unlocked the remaining levels). Complete all the levels and you have won the game.

High Score mode: In high score mode you play each level until you have no lives left hoping to obtain the highest score possible for that level. The score to beat can be found in the top right of the screen.

Ship’s Vertical Speed: You have the option of slowing or speeding up the speed that the ship will travel up and down on the screen during game play.


Tips from the developer:


Thank you for playing Agari Attack!

This original game was first released by Phatfly Studio. We are interested in improving this game and your gaming experience. If you find any bugs, or would like to offer suggestions for improving game play, please use the feedback link to share your thoughts.

Screen Shots